Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 Kipper2k replacement keyboard update.

Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 Kipper2k replacement keyboard update.

This is long, long overdue and we acknowledge that this update should have been posted much sooner.
With that said we are building and shipping keyboards each and every week. The build process is a bit tedious and fairly detailed to insure a properly working keyboard, thus it takes a fair amount of time as well.
We're forging along until all pre-orders have been fulfilled as we stated that we would. As bad as this will sound we are almost through all pre-orders from October 2018 and about to start on those from November 2018. We roughly estimate approximately six to eight weeks for the rest of Oct '18 and all of Nov '18 pre-orders to ship.
The pace is picking up as we've perfected the process and recruited some cheap labor to help (my son!).
For anyone who's patience has run out we'll provide a full refund upon request.
How ever our customers feel about the circumstances regarding the replacement keyboards we appreciate their patience and patronage. We also believe that most of you that have purchased a keyboard will enjoy it.
There will be more timely updates going forward, about once a month.
Thank you all for your time and patience.

The AOTL team