May 2020 Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 Kipper2k replacement keyboard update.

May 2020 Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 Kipper2k replacement keyboard update.

Hello everyone in Amiga land. This is another late update on our current progress with the Kipper2k Amiga replacement keyboard builds and we hope it finds you all safe and well.

We've shipped out some keyboards over the past week and we're finishing up keyboards to ship out this week. We also have the next ones started for the following week. This is going to go on for the next four to five months before we get all the pre-orders fulfilled.

It has been brought to our attention by some of our customers that we're being viewed as unprofessional in the way we've handled this project. We can't refute that sentiment when we place our selves out side looking in. We do have the painful advantage of knowing why this isn't going as well as we all would like. We are thus shouldering the responsibility of that view and working hard at improving our performance while not jeopardizing fulfilling customer orders for the rest of our products.

Next to the high priority of building and shipping keyboards is the next priority, perhaps the higher priority, and that's communication. We'll continue to make a better effort here as well but with just the two of us running AOTL and my time consumed at the bench we kindly ask for some allowances here. We do our best to answer emails and messages posted at the AOTL site in a timely manner. Some times we miss the notifications and don't answer right away but we're not ignoring anyone and don't want anyone feeling disrespected if a reply is slow to come.

The Blog here will be utilized more often as well. It will be shared to the AOTL Facebook page. As far as the Forums go we just don't have the time to get to them. Personally I only have time for this Blog and email messages and very occasionally Facebook.

That is the current state of things here. I hope for our US customers that the weekend and Memorial Day were both good. And for our customers around the world that all of you are healthy and safe.

Best wishes from the AOTL team.