Kipper2k MX A500/A1200 replacement keyboard project progress update.

Kipper2k MX A500/A1200 replacement keyboard project progress update.

Greetings all. This is an update on the progress of the Kipper2k MX A500 and MX A1200 keyboards.

Progress continues in building and shipping pre-ordered keyboards. The components that were ordered back in May have miraculously arrived thus preventing a pause in completing any builds. This was a welcomed surprise as the estimated ship date from the only vendor expecting stock was 9/28/2022! I was scrambling to try to resolve that potential dilemma but thankfully can reserve the time and energy toward finishing keyboards and getting them all shipped through the next two weeks.

As requested in my last blog post, if you had pre-ordered a keyboard and haven't received it yet please email me with your order number and confirm your shipping address and providing any updates to it. This will save me time as I'll be reaching out by email to anyone I haven't heard from before I ship their keyboard. The email address:

Currently, it looks like this August keyboards will be available for purchase. For our current and future customers seeking to buy a keyboard, please check back then. There will be blog updates as required so please check for those as well.

As always, Aaron and myself thank everyone for their patience and their patronage. We continue to forge ahead and will try to do better to serve the Amiga and retro computer community.

Thank you!