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SKU: A0174

.IFF Rock Sounds for Amiga


.IFF Rock Sounds for Amiga


".IFF Rock Samples for Amiga is a set of Rock samples from original, DAW mixes and tracks.
 They are meant for you to sample what you like for your tracker.
 Not the same old 80's synths these are modern sounds from a new era.
 Enjoy a new sound and versatility not available in the Amiga community for a long while.
 Enjoy Your Amiga!" - Randy Washburn, Raonna Studios


In this first collection of six Amiga floppy disks (as ADF files) you get nearly 40 original sound
samples which you can use, royalty free, in your own Amiga Music compositions.

Check out the video below for an example of what you'll get:




Here is the list of sounds samples found on each Amiga Floppy (ADF file): 

"Samples 1" (Samples1.adf)

  1. Ballad Break  - Mellow Pop Rock Track
  2. Fnky2Step     - Country Rock Two Beat
  3. BdrmHits      - Bass Drum
  4. BalladDrms    - Ballad Drums
  5. Snare         - Snare
  6. FnkyDrms      - Funk Rock Groove
  7. GtrEmCrd      - Acoustic Guitar Em
  8. GtrGCrd       - Acoustic Guitar G
  9. GtrDCrd       - Acoustic Guitar D
  10. GtrCCrd      - Acoustic Guitar C

"Samples 2" (Samples2.adf)

  1. CymDome       - Cymbal Dome
  2. RckDrms1      - Rock Drums Hihat
  3. HvyRck1       - Heavy Rock Track
  4. Toms          - Tom Tom Hits
  5. PnoCrds1      - Rt.Hand Piano Chords

"Samples 3" (Samples3.adf)

  1. 70sPopRck     - Pop Rock Guitar lead
  2. HvyRckBrk     - Drum Dist. Guitar
  3. BssPopRck1    - Bass Track
  4. PopRckDrms    - Pop rock drum pattern
  5. CwBlRckDrms   - Fever for Cowbell!

"Samples 4" (Samples4.adf)

  1. DrmTms        - RockDrumsTomFill
  2. DstGtrCrds1   - Distorted Guitar Chords
  3. HvyBssDrms1   - Cymb.Dome RockDrums & Bass
  4. OrgLead1      - Short Organ Lead

"Samples 5" (Samples5.adf)

  1. Bongos        - Two Bongo pattern
  2. Cymb1         - Ride Crash Cymbal
  3. Perc3         - Cabassa Block Cowbell
  4. Tamb1         - Tamborine Shake
  5. OrgCrds1      - 60's Organ Chords

"Samples 6" (Samples6.adf)

  1. AcousPno1     - More Rt.Hand Piano Chords
  2. FrtlsBss      - Fretless Bass Guitar
  3. LwTm          - Low Tom Tom
  4. BsDrm2        - Bass Drum
  5. GtrLd2        - Dist.Guitar Lead
  6. RckDrms3      - More Heavy Drums
  7. BsDrm3        - Another Bass Drum
  8. GtrLd3        - More Dist.Guitar Lead
  9. RckDrms4      - 80's Pop Rock Groove
  10. ElPno2       - Classic Elec.Piano

End User License Agreement (EULA)

Copyright (C) Raonna Music 2023
All rights reserved
Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

The original purchaser MAY:
- Use this product as intended in his/her own compositions.

The original purchaser MAY NOT:
- Claim this product as their own, alter or remove the copyright/watermarks.
- Share or sell these files with others.
- Repackage rent or giveaway this product to others.
- Make copies of these purchased products to share with others.

For music compositions & arrangements specifically:
- Purchasing this product gives the purchaser rights to arrange the samples for compositions.
- Any transference of ownership is strictly prohibited.
- All rights of this product are (C) Raonna Music 2023

Full Description
  • Description

    .IFF Rock Sounds for Amiga


    ".IFF Rock Samples for Amiga is a set of Rock samples from original, DAW mixes and tracks.
     They are meant for you to sample what you like for your tracker.
     Not the same old 80's synths these are modern sounds from a new era.
     Enjoy a new sound and versatility not available in the Amiga community for a long while.
     Enjoy Your Amiga!" - Randy Washburn, Raonna Studios


    In this first collection of six Amiga floppy disks (as ADF files) you get nearly 40 original sound
    samples which you can use, royalty free, in your own Amiga Music compositions.

    Check out the video below for an example of what you'll get:




    Here is the list of sounds samples found on each Amiga Floppy (ADF file): 

    "Samples 1" (Samples1.adf)

    1. Ballad Break  - Mellow Pop Rock Track
    2. Fnky2Step     - Country Rock Two Beat
    3. BdrmHits      - Bass Drum
    4. BalladDrms    - Ballad Drums
    5. Snare         - Snare
    6. FnkyDrms      - Funk Rock Groove
    7. GtrEmCrd      - Acoustic Guitar Em
    8. GtrGCrd       - Acoustic Guitar G
    9. GtrDCrd       - Acoustic Guitar D
    10. GtrCCrd      - Acoustic Guitar C

    "Samples 2" (Samples2.adf)

    1. CymDome       - Cymbal Dome
    2. RckDrms1      - Rock Drums Hihat
    3. HvyRck1       - Heavy Rock Track
    4. Toms          - Tom Tom Hits
    5. PnoCrds1      - Rt.Hand Piano Chords

    "Samples 3" (Samples3.adf)

    1. 70sPopRck     - Pop Rock Guitar lead
    2. HvyRckBrk     - Drum Dist. Guitar
    3. BssPopRck1    - Bass Track
    4. PopRckDrms    - Pop rock drum pattern
    5. CwBlRckDrms   - Fever for Cowbell!

    "Samples 4" (Samples4.adf)

    1. DrmTms        - RockDrumsTomFill
    2. DstGtrCrds1   - Distorted Guitar Chords
    3. HvyBssDrms1   - Cymb.Dome RockDrums & Bass
    4. OrgLead1      - Short Organ Lead

    "Samples 5" (Samples5.adf)

    1. Bongos        - Two Bongo pattern
    2. Cymb1         - Ride Crash Cymbal
    3. Perc3         - Cabassa Block Cowbell
    4. Tamb1         - Tamborine Shake
    5. OrgCrds1      - 60's Organ Chords

    "Samples 6" (Samples6.adf)

    1. AcousPno1     - More Rt.Hand Piano Chords
    2. FrtlsBss      - Fretless Bass Guitar
    3. LwTm          - Low Tom Tom
    4. BsDrm2        - Bass Drum
    5. GtrLd2        - Dist.Guitar Lead
    6. RckDrms3      - More Heavy Drums
    7. BsDrm3        - Another Bass Drum
    8. GtrLd3        - More Dist.Guitar Lead
    9. RckDrms4      - 80's Pop Rock Groove
    10. ElPno2       - Classic Elec.Piano

    End User License Agreement (EULA)

    Copyright (C) Raonna Music 2023
    All rights reserved
    Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

    The original purchaser MAY:
    - Use this product as intended in his/her own compositions.

    The original purchaser MAY NOT:
    - Claim this product as their own, alter or remove the copyright/watermarks.
    - Share or sell these files with others.
    - Repackage rent or giveaway this product to others.
    - Make copies of these purchased products to share with others.

    For music compositions & arrangements specifically:
    - Purchasing this product gives the purchaser rights to arrange the samples for compositions.
    - Any transference of ownership is strictly prohibited.
    - All rights of this product are (C) Raonna Music 2023

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    Current Stock:
    SKU: A0174
    Availability: Downlaod after completion of payment.
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